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 The Kyuusaisha Clan

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Join date : 2011-02-01
Age : 36
Location : United States - Calfornia

The Kyuusaisha Clan Empty
PostSubject: The Kyuusaisha Clan   The Kyuusaisha Clan EmptyMon Mar 14, 2011 7:38 pm

Surname: The Kyuusaisha Clan
Clan Classification: Body
Kekkei Genkai name: Taihou/Dangan

Clan History: Ryu Kyuusaisha formerly Ryu Kyuuten had always wanted to develop a technique worthy of his name as The Bullet Shinobi. In a series of ingenuity,mishaps,and pure luck. Ryu had finally devised his technique unknowing it was a bloodline technique until he used without handseals. Ryu shortly thereafter setup a system for his soon to be clan designing training techniques and other necessities required to create a great clan. Ryu Kyuuten now Ryu Kyuusaisha had changed his last name from just Great and added “protector” at the end because in all reality that is what Ryu wanted was to protect Kumogakure and anyone who shared this desire was welcome to his clan. The Clan is very family oriented but holds a lot of dark little secrets unknown to the public and even some of the members. Some are listed below but most go unmentioned. Although welcoming there does seem to be a sense of hostility between true blood members and none-blood members. The Kyuusaisha Clan is a very open and yet exclusive clan the workers and villagers due as they are told without question by shinobi which makes the Clan’s ability to keep secrets very easy. Information is kept from civilians almost 90% of the time to prevent panic,sometimes the Kyuusaisha clan will be at war and villagers will not know until months later in the heat of it. So the clan is very mysterious in keeping information from people including it’s own villagers, which allows some rituals to remain secretive for decades or centuries allowing the clan to keep it’s image of hospitality and lethality at the same time.

Kekkei Genkai Information/Description: The Clan’s bloodline technique is a costly but very effective platform technique that while as long as Ryu and his methods are recorded show how to admit even non-blood related people to join his clan. When Ryu had trained to perfect his technique he had used a lot of teachings from different famous shinobi such as Ibaku Hinoshi. The technique requires an open wound or even a scar to push blood up through the dead skin. When Ryu had perfected his technique he had used pills filled with natural metals such as iron and copper in small amounts infusing them in his blood while also eating natural catalysts with foods. The combination along with major chakra control allows him to push his blood from underneath a scar or from an open wound and have it gather at the end of an index finger pointed in a mock gun fashion. Once the blood has gathered the metals are separated from the blood leaving a solid metal bullet. Obviously this technique can only be used so many times due to the obvious blood loss. The Clan is adept with lightning techniques Ryu learned from Kumogakure scrolls which allows them to spark their catalysts and launch their bullets. These bullets rarely hit their targets it is the jutsu that are applied to them that make them so unique. Over the course of time diferrent specialty shinobi have created unique bullets that are most useful in their profession most common are listed below.[Please keep in mind this bloodline is very costly and can be only used 1-3 times in battle 3 with severe effects due to bloodloss]

-Taijutsu- Taijutsu shinobi have developed short stubby thick bullets much like pistol bullets aimed more for close range attacks for them to incorporate into their techniques. One of the most noted usages is using two bullets one at the end of each index finger to provide more of a barrage.

-Ninjutsu- Ninjutsu users have a standard bullet usually made with an actual gold metal instead of copper or iron like usual. This allows a lower melting point so for instance if the bullet is used with a fire technique it will melt and cover the target in a molten gold liquid, searing his/her opponent.

-Genjutsu- Genjutsu users have the most interesting ability they are the one of few clan members who, after the bullet is formed, have the ability to manipulate it into whatever size or shape is needed in the scenario. Used with an illusion the genjutsu user can then unalesh the bullet on their opponent actually hitting her/him. Genjutsu users are the only clan members who usually hit their targets however not many actual ninjutsu can be placed on their bullets.

-Kenjutsu [Sword]- Kenjutsu users such as Ryu are the rifleman so to speak. They use elongated more pointed bullets used for when their target is out of range of their blade. These users have the best range and they are usually incorporated with many ninjutsu to clear a forest area or level a field so that it is easier to maneuver a blade.

-Medical Arts- Medical shinobi are similar to the taijutsu users only in the fact that due to their great chakra control they utilze larger bullets one’s associated with slug shots in shotguns with shapes. These large bullets however cost a large amount of blood and actually don’t have many ninjutsu placed on them. Medical shinobi use these to seriously injure an opponent if they are hit or to distract the opponent to buy themselves time to heal someone.

-Puppeteer- Puppeteers have their own version of the medical shinobi bullet. Due to their ability to control many different parts of a puppet so too can they control many small buck shot shaped bb’s hidden within a medical shinobi shaped bullet. Again puppeteers and genjutsu users are the only ones that actually hit their opponents with bullets/bb’s.

-Chakra Attuned [Controlling your Chakra]- Chakra Attuned Shinobi have the ability to use many bullets in a sequence they would best be classified as a machine gunner almost. Their bullets are small and require little blood to form. They can summon up to six bullets around one index finger and usually fire them in a line sweeping an opponent into a trap.

-Weaponry [Much Like Tenten]- These unfortunately are the standard bloodline users not really incorporating jutsu into their weaponry techniques these shinobi have standard bullets used only to possibly pin an opponent in a bluff before unleashing their barrage of weaponry unto their opponent

-Elementalist- As you may or may not have guessed elementalists have the ability to apply elements to their bullets. Shinobi who are greatly skilled with the earth element(chunnin or above) can actually change the composition of the bullet to fit a desired need. In example if one to use a lightning attack incorporated with their bullet if you changed it’s composition to more conductive metals lightning would more easily surge through the bullet and expand outward hitting the opponent with the stray lightning bolts protruding from the electrocuted bullet.

JutsuName: The Taihou Bloodline :: Art of Bullet-Shooting
Rank: - [Genin Level]
Range: LongRange [Max 15m]
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: -
Clan: Kyuusaisha

In Depth wrote:
While the Taihou Bloodline is easily explained in a paragraph or two, taking a more indepth look at the Taihou Bloodline helps further the understanding of it's true complexity and what it truly offers. First, let's look at the blood composition, composed of all the natural plasmas and blood cells of normal blood, Kyuusaisha blood is also imbued with natural minerals and combustible catalysts, and natural magnetic metals which eventually make up the physical bullet. The additional iron that is introduced is binded to hemoglobin via it's already natural affinity to iron when it reverse binds oxygen to the iron already present. This iron increases oxygen supply to all body parts enhancing the endurance level of muscles and the brain under stressful situations. This also helps to counteract when there is bloodloss intentional or not. Once the hemoglobin become deoxygenated is when the Taihou bloodline takes effect. The Taihou bloodline, although construed by Ryu, also follows the guidelines of nature and self-preservation and only acceses veins instead of arteries. This proves useful in filtering dead or dying hemoglobin by utilizing them to solidify the projectiles used by the Kyuusaisha. However due to the limited amount of iron the body can hold other metals ranging from cobalt to cadmium into the bullets. Even this though would not be enough. The solution? Evolution. The body evolves over time and builds immunities to certain poisons, gases, and yes even metals. During the original creation of this technique, iron intoxication and even hemochromatosis were large risks when consuming iron and other metals of the sort. In order to counteract, the at the time, managable intakes of these metals the body increased it's production of transferrin. "Transferrin is a blood plasma protein for iron ion delivery that, in humans, is encoded by the TF gene.[1] Transferrin is a glycoprotein that binds iron very tightly but reversibly. Although iron bound to transferrin is less than 0.1% (4 mg) of the total body iron, it is the most important iron pool, with the highest rate of turnover (25 mg/24 h). Transferrin has a molecular weight of around 80 kiloDaltons and contains 2 specific high-affinity Fe(III) binding sites. The affinity of transferrin for Fe(III) is extremely high (1023 M-1 at pH 7.4)[citation needed] but decreases progressively with decreasing pH below neutrality."(-wikipedia.) So as the amount of iron and other such metals increased in quantity so did the amount of transferrin to deal with the iron and prevent such diseases as iron intoxication and hemochromatosis. Delving even deeper into the Cardiovascular system, the high content of minerals also stimulates something else...Haematopoiesis, the production of blood. As children nearly every bone in the body performs the actions of Haematopoiesis, however as we grow older this process is limited to only the larger bones. Due to the high content of minerals and the nutrients those minerals provide, this process is prolonged in all of the bones putting out a higher blood content for the Kyuusaisha, in turn granting them more room for growth. However with prolonged Haematopoiesis, it produces more and more defective blood cells and those in turn cause multipotent cells to turn into myeloid progenitors, or more specifically macrophage and create adaptive immunity. This creates a monumental probelm for the Kyuusaisha. With the reduction of innate immunity and the increase of adaptive immunity, the immunization process has no memory. Simply put, there are no vaccinations or immunizations that will work on a Kyuusaisha. There bodies adapt to whatever disease is present and fight it to the best of it's ability, if it succeeds then great, but instead of how a normal body would react and memorize how it defeated the disease it instantly moves on to the next problem at hand forgetting the previous disease and how it was defeated. This also causes serious diagnosis problems for injuries and ailements for medical shinobi trying to heal a Kyuusaisha, because the body can and will combat the disease in various ways each time giving different syptoms. However in return for this great downfall the Kyuusaisha earn a small shred of hope. With a higher adaptive immunity the body has a better chance of fighting off poisons and recently introduced viruses or bacteria rendering infection and bacterial sicknesses virtually eradicated within their system. With the increase of myeloid progenitors also comes with an increase in megakaryocytes resulting in a higher platelet count. These platelets are often drawn to the opened wounds from which the Kyuusaisha blood and usually end up filling the molecular spaces inbetween the Kyuusaisha projectiles making them that much more solid and giving it it's high density making it a penetrating weapon not an explosive one. Again however the higher platelet count causes another issue, although having an increased oxygen and blood supply, the solubility of that blood is constantly in question.With the high amount of platelets the Kyuusaisha diet is very restricted, virtually outlawing cholosterol and fatty foods from their diet, Kyuusaisha are forced to eat only the leanest of meats, and are more prone to enjoy fruits and vegetables. However all of this provides for a powerful kekkai genkai. To most however the trade of a lifestyle for power isn't worth it limiting the number of Clansmen as well. Although the Clansmen are very intune with their Kekkai Genkai, they still each have their own specialties and affinities. Not all Kyuusaisha are born with a natural affinity to Raiton Chakra. Therefore they are trained to the point where they possess and have minimal control of the Taihou Bloodline. However those without a natural affinity to Raiton chakra can only achieve a Genin level of control. Chakra aside again all shinobi have their own specialties ranging from Taijutsu-Elementalist.

The ability to shoot small metal projectiles itself is fairly self-explanatory. However the process to obtain this capability is slightly more complex. All blood-related Clan members are naturally born with high contents of minerals and metals within their bloodstream. While the minerals are highly reactive catalysts and the metals magnetic and malleable, it is the controllable concert of these components that create the projectiles used by the Kyuusaisha Clansmen. The ability to control the blood determines the amount of bullets that can control blood. If this ability is hindered then the Taihou Bloodline becomes useless. This ability is also what determines the Clansmen standpoint amongst the other Clansmen is. In order to keep innovation and continual evolution of the technique present, the Clansmen are constantly placed in competition against one another. Then they are awarded rankings. This competition has continually proved useful in breaking limits that were set by predecessors. However the defaulting limits seem to always hold true. Based on Village Rankings Genin, have limited control over the amount of blood they summon, usually overdrawing their blood and having much of it's excess fall to the ground limiting the rest of the techniques usage to about three times in total. Chunnin, normally have adequate control over this flow and may use up to as many as seven bullets a fight, the exception of course being the Founder Ryu. Jounin and above are quite adept at the control of their bloodflow, some drawing out just enough blood as that only a miniscule layer of excess blood around the solidfied bullet, some even developed a sense of humor and solidified the bullet around the excess bullet leaving a hollow inside filled with the blood so that on impact, their blood spills over the opponent making them think they've been mortally wounded if they haven't. Another interesting aspect of the Kyuusaisha bullets is that unlike the bullets of modern day they are not meant to explode within the opponent but are moreso used as conductors for jutsu. By combining jutsu ontop of the bullets its chances of making contact with the opponent are greatly increased. Usually the bullet is disintegrated into the intensity of chakra leaving only it's momentum left to guide the jutsu. However some techniques are meant for the bullet to pierce through the opponent. Again the bullet does not explode, it simply creates an entry and exit wound as if a large senbon had passed through them. As devatating as it sounds it is usually not too bloody due to the high revolutions that create intense friction and heat with the flesh the wound is nearly always cauterized instantly stopping bloodflow in the opponent.

Name: Taihou/Dangan no Jutsu :: [Gun/Bullet Technique]
Rank: D
Range: Supplementary
Jutsu Type: Kekkai Genkai
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Clan: Kyuusaisha

Description: The Clan’s bloodline technique is a costly but very effective platform technique that while as long as Ryu and his methods are recorded show how to admit even non-blood related people to join his clan. When Ryu had trained to perfect his technique he had used a lot of teachings from different famous shinobi such as Ibaku Hinoshi. The technique requires an open wound or even a scar to push blood up through the dead skin. When Ryu had perfected his technique he had used pills filled with natural metals such as iron and copper in small amounts infusing them in his blood while also eating natural catalysts with foods. The combination along with major chakra control allows him to push his blood from underneath a scar or from an open wound and have it gather at the end of an index finger pointed in a mock gun fashion. Once the blood has gathered the metals are separated from the blood leaving a solid metal bullet. Obviously this technique can only be used so many times due to the obvious blood loss. The Clan is adept with lightning techniques Ryu learned from Kumogakure scrolls which allows them to spark their catalysts and launch their bullets. These bullets rarely hit their targets it is the jutsu that are applied to them that make them so unique.
Copied Directly from Kyuusaisha Clan Page

However, because of Metsubao's unique situation, the drawbacks of Taihou/Dangan do not affect Metsubao. Since the fear of blood loss is what stops the Kyuusaisha from using too many of these techniques, this is solved by Metsubao's true origins from the Jekial clan. Because the Jekial clan members have the unique ability of rapid blood cell regeneration, Metsubao can use the Kyuusaisha Clan's Taihou/Dangan technique as many times as he sees fit. The only time he would not be able to is if he was depleted of all his chakra, which can go for any type of jutsu.

Name: Dorobinshou no Jutsu :: [Quick Draw Technique]
Rank: D
Range: Mid (0-10m)
Jutsu Type: Kekkai Genkai
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Clan: Kyuusaisha

Description: The techniques of the Kyuusaisha clan and its members are based solely from Taihou/Dangan no Jutsu :: [Gun/Bullet Technique]. The technique uses the blood of the shinobi utilizing the Taihou/Dangan technique, and pulls the metal from the blood to create metallic bullets, and once the catalysts behind the bullets are sparked, they are projected from the shinobi's open wound, primarily small punctures at the end of fingers. In Dorobinshou no Jutsu :: [Quick Draw Technique], the shinobi utilizing Taihou/Dangan will quickly form a bullet with the blood from his finger and spark it as he raised his finger to his target. This is more like a surprise attack, usually to start off a battle. This incredibly fast technique will catch the enemy off guard, allowing the shinobi using this technique to move in towards their target. However, this technique is highly inaccurate. There is rarely any preparation in the technique, and the bullets often go astray from the intended target. This skill more or less distracts the target instead of being used as a main form of attack. This technique is supposed to resemble an attack similar to the cowboys of the Western countries, who in duels would attack in a similar fashion.

Name: Rokushashu no Jutsu :: [Six Shooter Technique]
Rank: D
Range: Mid (0-10m)
Jutsu Type: Kekkai Genkai
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Clan: Kyuusaisha

Description: The techniques of the Kyuusaisha clan and its members are based solely from Taihou/Dangan no Jutsu :: [Gun/Bullet Technique]. The technique uses the blood of the shinobi utilizing the Taihou/Dangan technique, and pulls the metal from the blood to create metallic bullets, and once the catalysts behind the bullets are sparked, they are projected from the shinobi's open wound, primarily small punctures at the end of fingers. In Rokushashu no Jutsu :: [Six Shooter Technique], the shinobi utilizing Taihou/Dangan will form six bullets from the blood around one of his hand, each bullet collecting at the palm of the shinobi's hand. When the shinobi is ready to fire one of the bullets, the bullet will slide from the palm of the hand to the index finger of the respective hand. The shinobi will then spark the catalyst, and the bullet will fire towards its target. This technique is one of the very basic Taihou/Dangan techniques. The user of this technique is able to utilize this skill with each of his hands, but they are only able to summon six bullets at one time, after being fired they will have to create six more. This technique was made to resemble the firearms of the cowboys in the Western countries.

Name: Ojikadangan Heki :: [Buckshot Burst]
Rank: C
Range: Close (0-5m)
Jutsu Type: Kekkai Genkai
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Clan: Kyuusaisha

Description: The techniques of the Kyuusaisha clan and its members are based solely from Taihou/Dangan no Jutsu :: [Gun/Bullet Technique]. The technique uses the blood of the shinobi utilizing the Taihou/Dangan technique, and pulls the metal from the blood to create metallic bullets, and once the catalysts behind the bullets are sparked, they are projected from the shinobi's open wound, primarily small punctures at the end of fingers. In Ojikadangan Heki :: [Buckshot Burst], the shinobi utilizing Taihou/Dangan will form a multitude of bullet like shards around each of the fingers on one hand. These shards are made to represent buck shot, a type of ammunition that has a large spray radius and is highly inaccurate at longer and mid ranged distances. The technique is always done at close range to provide the best accuracy. Once close enough, the shinobi will spark the catalysts firing these metallic shards all at once towards their target. Though the piercing damage of this technique is not great, the area of damage is increased, made to cover a larger part of the target's body.

Name: Juuheki Ripi-ta :: [Ten Shot Repeater]
Rank: C
Range: Mid (0-10m)
Jutsu Type: Kekkai Genkai
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Clan: Kyuusaisha

Description: The techniques of the Kyuusaisha clan and its members are based solely from Taihou/Dangan no Jutsu :: [Gun/Bullet Technique]. The technique uses the blood of the shinobi utilizing the Taihou/Dangan technique, and pulls the metal from the blood to create metallic bullets, and once the catalysts behind the bullets are sparked, they are projected from the shinobi's open wound, primarily small punctures at the end of fingers. In Juuheki Ripi-ta :: [Ten Shot Repeater], the shinobi utilizing Taihou/Dangan will form a single metal bullet at the tips of each of their fingers. Upon creation of these bullets, the shinobi using Taihou/Dangan will shoot all ten bullets simultaneously, creating a wave or spray of ten bullets towards his opponents. The purpose of this technique is to shoot this array of bullets towards the target at the same time, hoping they are not able to block or dodge all of the bullets, allowing some of them too hopefully meet their mark. This technique can also be used at a closer scale to cause great damage.

Name: Nagaidangan Heki :: [Long Shot Burst]
Rank: C
Range: Far (0-10m+)
Jutsu Type: Kekkai Genkai
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Clan: Kyuusaisha

Description: The techniques of the Kyuusaisha clan and its members are based solely from Taihou/Dangan no Jutsu :: [Gun/Bullet Technique]. The technique uses the blood of the shinobi utilizing the Taihou/Dangan technique, and pulls the metal from the blood to create metallic bullets, and once the catalysts behind the bullets are sparked, they are projected from the shinobi's open wound, primarily small punctures at the end of fingers. In Nagaidangan Heki :: [Long Shot Burst], the shinobi utilizing Taihou/Dangan will bring both of his hands together, pooling the blood into the palms of each hand. From the greater amount of blood in one area, the shinobi can create thicker and longer bullets. Once this high caliber bullet is created, the shinobi using Taihou/Dangan will thrust both of their hands forward, sparking the catalysts in the blood while doing so, causing the round to launch itself towards the opponent at high speeds. Since the bullets created from this technique are more aerodynamic, this attack is extremely accurate. However, the force needed to shoot the bullet is immensely greater, so the spark itself increases. The preparation of this technique is its downside, since it takes about a minute [one post] for the bullet to form. This technique is used mainly for reconnaissance and support since this technique is used at longer distances. This technique was meant to look similar to the riflemen of the Western countries and their "sniper rifles", which are high caliber rifles made for shooting at long distances.

Name: Dangan Hankyuu no Jutsu [Bullet Hemisphere Technique]
Rank: C
Range: CloseRange [1m Radius]
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: -
Clan: Kyuusaisha

Description: After making a cut somewhere on her body and forming several seals, bullets of about the size and shape of bb pellets will come out of the cut and float around her, about ten emerging and creating a dome connected by invisible tripwires of chakra that crisscross about. If one can see chakra they could aim a kunai so that it passes through the tripwire, but if anyone outside of the dome touches one of the chakra tripwires, one of the bb pellet-like metal balls will shoot at the culprit. This packs a giant punch, though it doesn't penetrate the skin, enough to knock someone down. However, if five of these are shot, the web will collapse and the jutsu will be cancelled. After the jutsu is activated, the user is free to treat any wounded the shield has been formed around, which is the primary meaning behind this technique. This can only be used once per thread, as ten is the maximum safe amount of pellets that can be created.

Name: Basic Bullet Drill
Rank: C
Range: Medium [5-10] Far [10m+]
Jutsu Type: Kekkei Genkai
Elemental Affinity: --
Clan: Kyuusaisha

Description: Being from the Kyuusaisha clan, Sumizome can utilize bullet type techniques. First, the ninja must have an open wound, and after, they will direct their blood toward their fingertips. Once the blood comes out, it will form into a metal bullet, at will, the ninja can launch the bullets toward the opponent. This technique isn't used often, because most Kyuusaisha clansman utilize this by mixing elemental chakra, however, this technique will put strain on someones body, since it uses loads of chakra to complete.


Name: Hikage Juugan Asaruto - Shadow Bullet Assault
Rank: B
Range: Medium [5-10] Far [10m+]
Jutsu Type: Kekkei Genkai
Elemental Affinity:
Clan: Kyuusaisha

Description: Hikage Juugan Asaruto is a ninjutsu technique which utilizes the shadow element. Using the Kyuusaisha clan's kekkei genkai of bullets, Sumizome will mix chakra with it. 10 Bullets will appear in each fingertip, followed by strings of chakra, sort of like chakra strings to control puppets. The strings will mix together, and launch at the opponent, the user will control where it goes. The strings of shadow will first attempt to coil around the enemy and tie them up, if it doesn't work, then the bullets will just try to hit the target.


Name: Hikage Juugan Chakudan - Shadow Bullet Projectile
Rank: C
Range: Medium [5-10] Far [10m+]
Jutsu Type: Kekkei Genkai
Elemental Affinity:
Clan: Kyuusaisha

Description: Hikage Juugan Chakudan is a ninjutsu technique which utilizes the shadow element. Using the Kyuusaisha clan's kekkei genkai of bullets, Sumizome will mix chakra with it. 5 Bullets will appear out of the fingertip, this time, engulfed all over with chakra, as they are sent launching toward the enemy. The bullets are now metal and shadow, and once they reach the opponent, it will expand to about 1 feet long, 1 feet wide, attempting to hit the opponent hard. This technique is hard to dodge or block, however, it uses up loads of chakra.

Name: Taikuuhouka Kyanon Dangan no Jutsu~Flak Cannon Bullet Technique
Rank: B
Range: 50 meters
Jutsu Type: Kekkai Genkai
Elemental Affinity: N/a
Clan: Kyuusaisha

Description: A greater Kyuusaisha technique, Taikuuhouka Kyanon Dangan no Jutsu is moderately powerful and a very flashy jutsu. By creating a much larger bullet than usual the ‘buulet’ is transformed into somewhat of an artillery shell. With a more saturated amount of combustible minerals taken from the blood the shell after being fired implodes on impact causing a much larger splash of concussive force and fire. However due to its size Ryu loses a fair amount of blood enough to where he can’t use his bloodline anymore in the battle and is rendered to fall back onto his non-kekkai genkai techniques.

Name: Jinsoku Hitoame no Jutsu~Rapid Shower Technique
Rank: B
Range: 15 meters
Jutsu Type: Kekkai Genkai
Elemental Affinity: N/a
Clan: Kyuusaisha

Description: Again one of the greater Kyuusaisha techniques, this involves using from either five to all ten of the clan member's 'bullets'. By summoning up one of the amounts between five to ten, the user suddenly has the ability to strike multiple times, simultaneously. For Jounin and above it may be possible to incorporate a jutsu on one or two of them before firing them off. This jutsu while fairly simple can do a great deal of damage to the target, especially if jutsu are applied. However due to the obvious blood and chakra loss, it comes at the price of loss of equilibrium and light-headedness, due to loss of blood to the brain. This causes slow-reaction and thinking time, something rather important in battle.

Limitations:( drawbacks of your clan. There are a minimum of 2?)
1.)Loss to much Blood member will die

2.)Clan member is weak angst Water jutsu
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